We are pleased to announce a workshop on “Super Resolution Microscopy – Theory and Practice”, scheduled for April 9th to 11th, 2025, at the Center for Integrative Infectious Disease Research, Im Neuenheimer Feld 344, Heidelberg University (https://ciid-heidelberg.de/). This workshop is tailored for PhD students and postdocs keen on learning fundamentals of super resolution microscopy and its applications in life sciences as well as those who are ready to apply super resolution techniques to their ongoing scientific projects. More information about the workshop including the preliminary programme and participating teachers can be found at https://www.idip-heidelberg.org/workshops
Key workshop highlights:
- Theoretical lectures covering super resolution microscopy techniques, sample preparation, labeling, imaging, and image processing
- Hands-on sessions providing participants with practical experience using cutting-edge equipment and software for image acquisition and analysis
- Opportunity to discuss individual scientific project with super-resolution microscopy experts
Workshop details:
- Duration: 2.5 days (April 9th to 11th, 2025)
- Participation: The workshop consists of two parts (theory and practical). Practical component of the workshop is limited to 6 participants while the theory lectures are open to 50 participants.
- Registration: Individuals interested in attending both the theory and the practical parts are required to submit a concise (max. 1 page) motivation letter to vibor.laketa@uni-heidelberg.de, outlining how they plan to integrate microscopy into their research. Individuals interested only in the theory part don’t need to send a motivation letter but an email with the basic contact information (name, position, group, institute). Early application is encouraged due to limited slots. The application deadline is March 25, 2025.
- Costs: The workshop is free of charge.
- Contact: For any inquiries or additional information, please feel free to reach out to vibor.laketa@uni-heidelberg.de.
CIID goes Lübeck
Last week we – seven medical students – represented our institute and its diversity of infectious disease research at the DZIF Autumn School 2023 in Lübeck (Germany).
We were delighted to gain insight into a wide range of infectiological problems and their approaches: Microbiomes, Lassa fever and Histoplasma capsulatum were only a few of the discussed topics. As you can imagine – we learned a lot! At the same time, there was also a big focus on mentoring and career decisions with several workshops concerning networking and future research possibilities for clinicians. During the coffee-breaks and on the Christmas market we put our newly acquired networking skills to the test and socialized in an open-minded environment.
Overall, this event was a great chance to get our feet wet in the science-pond by presenting our findings in front of a diverse audience!
Nicolai Koch, Paul Lempka, Smilla Steinbrück, David Lubotsky, Tomke Arand, Amelie Belosevic and Marie-Elise Bendel. Members of AG Frischknecht and AG Ganter (Malaria), AG Lohmann (HCV), AG Urban (HDV) and AG Grimm (AAV-vectors).