CIID Seminar Series

Note: If you want to par­tic­i­pate vir­tu­al­ly, please con­tact Kathrin Bajak.

Every Tues­day, 17:15, SR 003/004, CIID
Please note: This is a research sem­i­nar in which unpub­lished results will be pre­sent­ed as per­son­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Tak­ing pic­tures of data slides and putting writ­ten infor­ma­tion on con­tent of the talks online is prohibited.

  • 3rd Sep­tem­ber: no sem­i­nar
  • 10th Sep­tem­ber: Inter­nal CIID Sem­i­nar (will not be streamed online)
    Bar­bara Müller (tba) and Ralf Barten­schlager on “Mode-of-action of a com­pound inhibit­ing dengue virus replication”
  • 17th Sep­tem­ber: no sem­i­nar