The Gan­ter lab from left to right:
Lau­ra Plu­tows­ki-Wro­bel (PhD stu­dent), Leah Zink (MSc stu­dent), Jule Schöt­tner (BSc stu­dent), Vio­la Reuschen­bach (BSc stu­dent), Markus Gan­ter, Marie-Elise Ben­del (MD stu­dent), Marie Jacobovitz (Post­doc), Vera Lech­n­er (MSc stu­dent) and Aiste Kudu­lyte (PhD student).

Ganter Lab – Group Members and Alumni

Group Mem­ber Posi­tion Room Phone Email
Dr. Markus Ganter Prin­ci­ple Investigator 209 +49 6221 56–7877 markus.ganter(at)
Marie-Elise Ben­del MD Stu­dent 221 +49 6221 56–7882 marie-elise.bendel(at)
Dr. Marie Jacobovitz Post­doc (in col­lab­o­ra­tion with EMBL) 221 +49 6221 56–7882 mariejacobovitz(at)
Aistė Kudu­lytė PhD Stu­dent 221 +49 6221 56–7882 aiste.kudulyte(at)
Vera Lech­n­er MSc Stu­dent 221 +49 6221 56–7882
Lau­ra Plutowski-Wrobel PhD Stu­dent 221 +49 6221 56–7882 plutowski(at)
Leah Zink MSc Stu­dent 221 +49 6221 56–7882

04/2018–09/2020 Dr. Katha­ri­na Quadt (co-super­vi­sor with Dr. G. Böse, Zen­dia GmbH)

PhD the­ses
02/2018–04/2023 Mar­ta Machado
09/2018–10/2022 Sev­e­ri­na Klaus

Med­ical doctorates
03/2023–03/2024 V. Nico­lai Koch
03/2020–03/2021 Leon Mühlsteffen
08/2017–08/2018 Dar­ius Klaschka

Mas­ter’s theses
03/2023–08/2023 Lau­ra Plutowski-Wrobel
09/2022–03/2023 Aiste Kudulyte
01/2021–08/2021 Wendy Straßburger
04/2019–12/2019 Alexan­der Penning

Bach­e­lor’s theses
09/2023–03/2024 Amith Schulz
04/2023–09/2023 Celi­na Ronge
06/2021–08/2021 Mariya Andriyanova
05/2021–07/2021 Jana Niethammer
07/2020–09/2020 Vio­let­ta Schaaf
07/2020–09/2020 Salome Steinke
04/2018–06/2018 Car­olin Hattendorf
07/2017–09/2017 Phillip Ehmann
06/2017–08/2017 Xan­thoula Smyrnakou
01/2017–03/2017 Otto Netzel