Dr. Viet Loan Dao Thi


Phone: +49 6221 56–3546

We study hepatitis E virus-host interactions using stem cell-derived culture systems


The Dao Thi lab uses stem cell-derived cul­ture mod­els to study hepati­tis E virus (HEV). With about 20 mil­lion infec­tions each year, lead­ing to more than 3 mil­lion symp­to­matic cas­es and ~60’000 fatal­i­ties, HEV is believed to be the most com­mon cause of acute hepati­tis in the world. Despite increas­ing aware­ness, HEV remains an under­stud­ied virus. A con­trib­u­tor to the poor under­stand­ing is the dif­fi­cul­ty to prop­a­gate HEV in cell cul­ture. To over­come these lim­i­ta­tions, we use embry­on­ic or induced pluripo­tent stem cell (hESC/iPSC)-derived cell cul­ture mod­els, in par­tic­u­lar stem-cell derived hepa­to­cyte-like cells. Our stud­ies aim at under­stand­ing dif­fer­ent steps of the HEV life cycle with the over­rid­ing goal to iden­ti­fy new spe­cif­ic tar­gets for ther­a­peu­tic intervention.

For detailed infor­ma­tion on our research, please vis­it our web­site at daothilab.com

Com­plete Pub­li­ca­tion List (PubMed)

  • Chi H, Qu B, Prawira A, Richardt T, Mau­r­er L, Fu R, Lempp FA, Zhang Z, Grimm D, Wu X, Urban S, Dao Thi VL (2024). An hepati­tis B and D virus infec­tion mod­el using human pluripo­tent stem cell-derived hepa­to­cytes. EMBO Rep. 25(10):4311–4336
  • Dao Thi VL, Herb­st K, Boern­er K, Meur­er M, Kre­mer PML, Kir­rmaier D, Freis­taedter A, Papa­gian­ni­dis D, Gal­mozzi C, Stan­i­fer ML, Boulant S, Klein S, Chlan­da P, Khalid D, Bar­reto Mir­ran­da I, Schnit­zler P, Kräus­slich HG, Knop M, and Anders S (2020). A col­ori­met­ric RT-LAMP assay and LAMP-sequenc­ing for detect­ing SARS-CoV­‑2 RNA in clin­i­cal sam­ples. Sci Transl Med. 12(556):eabc7075.
  • Dao Thi VL, Wu X, Belote RL, Andreo U, Takacs CN, Fer­nan­dez JP, Vale-Sil­va LA, Deck­er CC, Fu RM, Qu B, Uryu K, Moli­na H, Saeed M, Stein­mann E, Urban S, Sin­gar­ja RR, Schnei­der WM, Simon SM, and Rice CM (2020). Stem cell-derived polar­ized hepa­to­cytes. Nature Com­mun. 11(1):1677.
  • Fu RM, Deck­er CC, and Dao Thi VL (2019). Cell Cul­ture Mod­els for Hepati­tis E Virus. Virus­es 11(7):608.
  • Wu X*, Dao Thi VL*, Liu P, Takacs CN, Xiang K, Andrus L, Gout­tenoire J, Morad­pour D, and Rice CM (2018). Pan-Geno­type Hepati­tis E Virus Repli­ca­tion in Stem Cell-Derived Hepa­to­cel­lu­lar Sys­tems. Gas­troen­terol­o­gy. 154(3):663–647.
  • Wu X, Dao Thi VL, Huang Y, Biller­beck E, Saha D, Hoff­mann HH, Wang Y, Vale Sil­va LA, Sar­banes S, Sun T, Andrus L, Quirk C, Mac­Don­ald MR, Schnei­der WM, An X, Rosen­berg BR, and Rice CM. Intrin­sic Immu­ni­ty Shapes Viral Resis­tance of Stem Cells (2018). Cell. 172(3):423–438